Diaper Clutch for a chic Mama!

Diaper Clutch for a chic Mama!

Everything you need for baby on the go!

Baby doughnuts for twins!

Doughnut B Even tiny babies love the baby doughnuts! They grow with your little one! Order today!

Chilly winter! Couldn’t help but snap a few pics!

I didn't touch the color of the sky- this is how blue it was Look at the contrast between the tree and the bluse sky! My neighbor's shed- Ice and morning sun- perfect.

Baby Doughnut!

Here is one of the newest projects that I made for one of my friends newest additions. It will grow with your baby. You can see it is a great place for an infant. Once baby is sitting up place them in the doughnut hole and you have an activity center. When your child is older you can add the optional round pillow to the middle and they can lounge while they are reading! If you don’t have a baby these are great for relaxing on the floor or for extra seating. Just insert center pillow! I am now taking orders! Perfect for baby showers, house warming gifts, and Birthday parties!

Everyone needs a ruffled hat!

Here is another new item from A Classic Kate Design. I can make this in all sizes from newborn to adult!

Booth at screw factory show a couple years ago!

My half of the booth at the Last Minute Market!

I had the pleasure of sharing a booth with Meredith Hahn. A very talented artist and great friend.

Cute Custom Dolls

New shopping bag for my Sister-in-Law Happy Birthday!

2 New Events this weekend!

December 14, 2012
I will have a table of goodies at the Tremont Art Walk on Friday. I will be displaying at The Flying Monkey! I hope to see you all there!

December 15, 2012

Cleveland Handmade Last Minute Market & Screw Factory Artists Open Studio
Lake Erie Building
Templar Industrial Park
13000 Athens Ave.
Lakewood, Ohio 44107
Admission is a give-as-you-wish donation to the Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland!
10 a.m. – 6 p.m